Sunday, December 2, 2007

Course completed ... again

Realised that even though I did all the tasks, I hadn't written about them. Think I have covered them all now.

This course has been great. I have already made my final comments a few blogs ago.

Web 2.o Awards

I'd give it to GoogleDocs without a question. I love it and I think it is THE MOST USEFUL site ever....

but I have bookmarked Cocktail builder for my next party....


Well I added myself to BPWiki and our logo.


I can see the use of this but do not want to use it myself and I don't like to limit my searches too much and search for vastly different topics most of the time.


Had a look at Library thing a few weeks ago. Not really my thing! Interesting but a bit patchy.

tagging and newsfeeds

Another one I forgot to blog about.
Have used Tagging in this blog and even forced library vendor to do so in LMS OPAC.

Newsfeeds are well and good but I find that they can be a little too much info for the time I have to play.

Blog about technology

Ooh I missed doing the blog entry on this.

I have been using technology way before it was cool..

I remember my first job in a typing pool where we typed overdue notices for account holders. We had to go through a room full of cards in drawers and then type each letter individually. Now I send out over 100 overdues in two minutes and they are all customised to the period of overdue. Times have changed.

I also had a job where it manned the telex maching. You know those machines that spat out a long tape with holes in it - seen them in the movies? Well way back then you couldn't correct errors you had to start over. I had to do complete shipping lists of unusually named professional cinema cameras. You can imagine the stress. I was SOOO pleased when we got a Sagem telex machine that allowed you to cut and join the tape.

I learnt to type on a manual typewriter, you had to have really strong little fingers. I was stoked when I got to use a golf ball typewriter in my first job which was primarily the assistant PABX operator. We had to answer all calls (to a large company in Syndey) and physically put them through to the correct extension. Yes, go back to the movies for the woman (they were always women) sitting at a large console, with headphones and microphone (that looked like a small trumpet) plugging cables into holes in the wall in front of her. That was me... Earnt a whole $88.00 a fortnight too!

I remember the first Apple PC, the operating system BEFORE MSDOS, Atari and Commodore 64s, $20,000 PCs that didn't have any input device but the keyboard and mouse, (no tape, floppy or CD). I also used an accounting machine that had cards with holes in it which was the program!

So when PCs arrived, there was no stopping me. YEE HAA. way to go...